Since 2003, CHAIN has been campaigning against the building of incinerators in Cheshire.
Our mission is to oppose plans for any incinerators in Cheshire, and, instead, promote a waste system that aims to achieve the maximum possible reuse, recycling and waste minimisation as a viable and realistic alternative.
Regular and focused meetings ensure a targeted, co-ordinated and strategic effort. A diverse membership consisting entirely of volunteers enables us to draw on a wide variety of experience and skills.
The group is chaired by Brian Cartwright, who, as a retired chief executive of an incinerator company, is a respected authority on incineration. Brian is supported by a committee of volunteers with individual responsibility for areas such as political lobbying, research, administration, event planning, fundraising and public relations.
To date over 10,000 residents of Cheshire have pledged their commitment to the cause. And this number is growing daily as more and more people become aware of the devastating effect these incinerators would have on our local communities.
We are a non party political community based group and do not support or endorse any single political party.
We are affiliated to RAIN (Residents Against INcineration) and HAGATI (Halton Action Group Against The Incinerator) and are members of GAIA (Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance).