Friday, January 24, 2025

The TATA Incinerator – The Shocking Facts – 2019 Edition

We have updated the shocking facts flyer and intend to distribute copies to every household in Lostock and Rudheath so local people will know what they are facing and, even at this late stage, will attempt to prevent it.

The information sheet attempts to give a meaningful picture of the TATA waste incinerator. Everybody who sees this for the first time are invariably horrified at the size of the monster plant and then get angry that it has been kept a secret from them by an unholy alliance of TATA Chemicals Europe and CWAC Council. People who have moved into Northwich during the past few years get particularly furious because they were not warned about the incinerator by estate agents or their own solicitors and talk about suing them for professional negligence.

We also intend to publish a similar fact sheet about the planned OWM incinerator when the information is available but, unfortunately, OWM and CWAC Council are apparently determined to keep it secret from the people of Northwich.

You can download this latest “Shocking Facts” sheet here